CEO & Founder of Paradise Dental Technologies, Inc.

Linda Miller

PDT, Inc. was born in my two-car garage in 2000 – a new beginning based on more than 30 years experience in the dental industry. I wanted to bring fresh and improved products to clinicians, growing out of those decades of listening to your observations, ideas, suggestions, and new technology. The corporate name, Paradise Dental Technologies, came from my determination that our employees, our dental partners, and your patients should have the finest possible products available in the dental marketplace. It should be Paradise! Dental instrument design, evolution, and development have been my professional life for thirty-plus years and it has always been fascinating and rewarding. It has been fun and interesting to work in clinics around the world, see new techniques and address ongoing issues. There are always new technologies to explore and examine and so many ways to make things better. I am proud to offer what I believe are the most carefully designed and hand-crafted dental instruments available, as well as the fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective instrument sharpening system I have ever seen! Take a look at our Amazing Graceys™, Wingrove Implant Scalers™, Micro-Serrated Periotomes™, and ACE™ Furcation Probes! All are innovative and exciting products born from ideas brought to us by practitioners like you, and now touching lives in more than fifty different countries. We love what we do, and we enjoy working with all of you. Come by our booth at tradeshows, attend one of our training sessions, phone one of our representatives with your questions, or just give us a call. We plan to continue introducing exciting and innovative products to make your lives better, and we are grateful that you have made us the fastest-growing dental instrument company in the World!

CEO & Founder of National Hygiene Excellence

Sarah Varney, RDH, BSDH, MBA

30+ years in pursuit of excellence in patient care within the private practice and DSO space with an emphasis on leadership, business and collaboration- elevating our profession and patient outcomes.

Sarah Varney


Dr. Marc B. Cooper

Dr. Marc B. Cooper - Elder-Senior Consultant & Executive Coach - MBC Consultants Inc.

Dr. Cooper is an “Elder– Senior Coach” at MBC Consultants, Inc. (Wisdom Coaching and Consulting). He is also the President and CEO of the Mastery Company and former president and partner in the Dentist Entrepreneur Organization (DEO).​Dr. Cooper is a periodontist and former Associate Professor at the University of Washington ​School of Dentistry.
Dr. Marc B. Cooper

Eric Morin

CEO of Tower Leadership

Eric is the Founder and CEO of Tower Leadership. He is a national speaker, author, and thought leader. Eric has an MBA and is an experienced financial and business consultant.

Marc Gaylard

Director of Business Business for EDMS

Mark is a highly successful motivational speaker and ​Co-founder of The Dental Leadership Organization (Canada’s first National Dental Alliance).​He is the Director of Business Development at EDMS Dental and​ Chief Operating Officer of the Sterling Dental Group.

Dr. Charles Moser

VP of Community Management - The Dentist Entrepreneur Organization

Dr. Moser is the Community Manager for the Dentist Entrepreneur Organization (DEO) who are peer-to-peer like-minded dentist entrepreneurs working towards expanding their dental group space. He is also a coach and consultant for the Fisher Professional Group.

Josalyn Sewell

Founder | Professional EOS® Implementer - Traction for Dental

Josey is an enthusiastic leader who finds joy in solving the toughest problems entrepreneurial companies face. She is dentistry's expert in applying an operating system in dental groups to help them clarify their vision, focus on what matters, and achieve improved team health.

Dr. Jack Dillenberg

Mayor, Jerome, Arizona, Dean of the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health

Dr. Jack Dillenberg is a graduate of New York University College of Dentistry and has a Master’s of Public Health from Harvard University School of Public Health. He is the Dean of the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health.

Carol Jahn

Director of Professional Relations & Education, Water Pik, Inc.

As an experienced dental hygienist and marketing professional, I am a speaker, author, leader, and change agent in the dental community. I strive to help dental professionals attain excellence in clinical practice with the ultimate outcome being optimal patient oral health.

Kathryn Gilliam

CEO of Periolinks

Kathryn has been a clinical dental hygienist for more than 30 years, and for the past 20 years, she has also been a dental practice consultant, implementation coach, and trainer, as well as a published author and public speaker. She created my own company, PerioLinks, to provide training for dental teams dedicated to raising their professional standard of care.

Rachel Wall

Founder & President at Inspired Hygiene

As founder and CEO of Inspired Hygiene, Rachael coaches dental teams to build highly productive hygiene departments by implementing systems for high-quality periodontal care, enrolling restorative care through hygiene, letting go of negative mindsets and old beliefs while managing the logistics of a high-performance hygiene department.

Katrina Sanders

Executive Advisory Board Member, Arizona Dental Foundation

Katrina is an International Continuing Dental Education Speaker with a Bachelor’s degree in Dental Hygiene (BSDH) from the University of Minnesota and a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership (M.Ed) from Northern Arizona University. She is a published author and contracted writer, and founder of Sanders Board Preparatory, Arizona's #1 National Board preparatory course.

Dr. Alan Acierno

CEO & Founder, DecisionOne Dental Partners

Dr. Alan Acierno is the CEO of DecisionOne Dental Partners as well as a clinically practicing Dentist at Acierno Dental. He is also a TEDx Speaker and a proud Creighton Alumni.

Josh Swearingen

CEO, Vesper Alliance

Josh’s mission within Vesper is to dream, implement, build and scale. As the CEO of a dental service organization, Vesper Alliance, Josh is responsible for creating an environment in which the team can excel, provide exceptional support to the clinicians we serve, in a manner that is ethically and fiscally responsible.

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